Jordanian and Palestinian passport holders must secure a temporary visitor's visa from the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in their country of origin or place of legal residence so that they could be allowed entry into the Philippines.


Applicants for multiple-entry visas must wait until explicit authorization is received from Manila for the issuance of their requested visas.

This section pertains to visa procedures for travel to the Philippines. Click here for information on Jordanian visa procedures.

Most other nationalities can visit the Philippines without the need of a visa for stays of less than twenty-one (21) days. If the intended stay in the Philippines is to exceed twenty-one (21) days, you may either apply for a visa before traveling or seek an extension from the Bureau of Immigration upon arrival in the Philippines. To be certain, please check with the visa officer at the Consular Section.

Applicable Fees

  • JOD 30.000 (USD 40.00) for single-entry visa
  • JOD 45.000 (USD 60.00) for multiple-entry visa valid for 6 months
  • JOD 67.500 (USD 90.00) for multiple-entry visa valid for 1 year

Note: The Consular Section does not refund any fees paid for visa applications once an official receipt has been issued even when the visa application itself is denied. The Consular Section is not obliged to provide any reason for a visa that is not granted.

Forms to Use

These forms may be downloaded and used only if you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. After download, you may either:

  • fill in the required information and then print out the completed form; or
  • print out the form and fill in the required information by hand

Note: It is recommended that you use A4-size paper. Information entered directly into the form cannot be saved, so make sure to print the completed form at once.

Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form
This form is to be used when applying for a non-immigrant visa and covers all visa categories. It may be used for either single-entry or multiple-entry visa applications.
Non-Immigrant Visa Application Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 771.2 KB
This document enumerates the procedures regarding visa application and the different visa requirements according to the circumstances of the applicant.
Employment Certification Form
This form may be used if you are required to present an employment certification in support of your visa application.


Click on any of the following links to check the requirements for the particular visa category being applied for:

  • 9(a) visa for temporary visitors (e.g. for tourism, business, medical or family visit)
  • 9(b) visa for transients (e.g. transit passengers)
  • 9(c) visa for seafarers/crew list
  • 9(e) visa for foreign government officials and qualified dependents
  • 9(f) visa for students
  • 9(g) visa for pre-arranged employment
  • SIRV/SSIV for special investors
  • SVEG - Special Visa for Employment Generation


  • For Jordanian and Palestinian applicants for 9(a) visas for temporary visitors or 9(b) visas for transients, it will take between ten (10) to fifteen (15) working days before a valid visa could be issued.
  • Multiple-entry visas are subject to approval from the Department of Foreign Affairs in Manila and may take up to three (3) weeks to process.
  • Visa applicants are responsible for ensuring that their flight schedules are not booked earlier than the expected issuance date of their visas.
  • The issuance of a visa by the Consular Section is not a guarantee that the visa holder will be admitted into the Philippines. Admission of foreigners is a function of the Philippine immigration authorities at the point of entry. Philippine immigration authorities have the final decision on whether to allow a foreigner to enter the Philippines regardless of the validity of the visa.