PH Ambassador to Jordan Receives Chef Basketball Association Newly-Appointed Officers

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15 November 2023 - The newly-appointed officers of the Chef Basketball Association (CBA) called on the Philippine Ambassador to Jordan Wilfredo C. Santos to discuss the upcoming CBA Winter Basketball Tournament on 08 December 2023, which was postponed in solidarity with the victims of the current conflict in the region. The tournament will be held as long as the tensions in the region shall have eased, and it would then be appropriate to hold the said event. 

Photo shows Philippine Ambassador Wilfredo C. Santos (4th from left) with, from left, CBA Adviser Michael Ragnar G. Supeña, CBA Acting Founder Michael Salac, CBA Treasurer Nikka Borja, CBA Secretary Rocel Illaygan, CBA Commissioner Paulo Parungao, CBA Vice Chairman Raul Adobas, and CBA Chairman Gil Modesto. END