General Information

  • The Consular Section processes applications for ePassport between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm only, all other 
  • The Consular Section receives and processes consular services, including applications for ePassport, between 9:00 am and 2:00 pm only (consideration may be given to exceptional cases, particularly to those who live outside Amman);
  • The Consular Section operates on a "first come, first serve" basis and will use a number queuing system when necessary;
  • All applications for consular services are to be filed in person with complete documentary requirements;
  • The Consular Section will not receive an application that does not comply with documentary requirements;
  • Documents in Arabic must be translated into English by a licensed translation office;
  • Applicants may provide written and signed authorization so that another person may collect their processed documents on their behalf albeit passports will only be released to the person it is being issued to;
  • Authorized parties should have at least one (1) valid form of identification to present when claiming processed documents on behalf of others;
  • The Consular Section releases processed documents only between 3:00 pm and 4:00 pm, while ePassports may be claimed between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm.

Available Services

The Consular Section offers the following consular services:

  • Citizen Registration - if you intend to stay in Jordan or Palestine for more than one (1) month, it is advisable that you register as a Filipino citizen with the Embassy;
  • Passport Issuance - if your passport will already expire within six (6) months, you should already have it renewed to avoid any inconvenience when you travel;
  • Visa Issuance - if you have Jordanian, Palestinian, or other foreign friends who wish to travel to the Philippines, please advise them that they are required to secure visas first from the Consular Section before they travel;
  • Civil Registration - all marriages, births, and deaths involving Filipino nationals that take place in Jordan or Palestine are to be reported to the Consular Section so that civil documents could be issued for filing with the Office of the Civil Registrar General in the Philippines;
  • Dual Citizenship - if you have been issued a foreign passport (Jordanian o Palestinian), you have to re-acquire your Filipino citizenship first before you could be issued a new Philippine passport;
  • Authentication and Notarials - legal documents executed and signed outside the Philippines have to be authenticated or notarized by a Consul so that these would be recognized and made valid in the Philippines;
  • Amman PE Case Management Team - the Amman PE CMT is responsible for providing effective case management for distressed Filipino nationals through the combined efforts of the Assistance to Nationals (ATN) section and the Philippine Overseas Labor Office