ASEAN Committee in Amman Explores Partnership in Education and Culture with the University of Jordan
The ASEAN Committee in Amman (ACA), led by its Chair, Philippine Ambassador to Jordan Wilfredo C. Santos (third from right) called on University of Jordan President Dr. Natheer Obeidat (fourth from left). (Photo courtesy of the University of Jordan)
AMMAN 31 January 2024 - The ASEAN Committee in Amman (ACA), led by the Philippine Ambassador to Jordan Wilfredo C. Santos, as the ACA Chairperson, paid a visit to the University of Jordan for a courtesy call and consultation meeting on 31 January 2024. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen ties between ASEAN and Jordan through people-to-people connections, in line with the ACA's initiatives to increase exchanges with institutions in the Kingdom.
Dr. Natheer Obeidat, the esteemed University President, extended a warm welcome to the Ambassadors and the accompanying delegation from the ASEAN missions in Amman. During the meeting, the Ambassadors expressed their deep appreciation to President Obeidat for hosting a significant number of students from ASEAN countries at the University. President Obeidat, in turn, acknowledged the valuable contribution made by these students to the University's intellectual and cultural diversity.
The Ambassadors also discussed the possibility of future collaborations with the University, including cultural exchanges to showcase the cultural similarities of ASEAN and the host country, academic cooperation such as the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with respective ASEAN countries, and enhanced services for international students. The University's esteemed reputation in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, engineering, nursing, information technology, and other disciplines was also recognized by the ASEAN Ambassadors.
A luncheon at the University restaurant followed the meeting.
The University of Jordan, established in 1962 by royal decree, is the largest and oldest institution of higher education in Jordan. The University offers 78 undergraduate and 143 postgraduate programs, reflecting its unwavering commitment to academic excellence and research. Jordan currently hosts at least 600 Filipino students in various universities in the Kingdom, including 38 in the renowned University of Jordan.
The ACA is composed of the resident Ambassadors of five (5) ASEAN member states represented in Jordan, namely, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand. END
The ASEAN Committee in Amman (ACA) during the meeting with the University of Jordan officials.
Left photo: Philippine Ambassador to Jordan Wilfredo C. Santos (left) during his privilege speech as the ACA Chair with University of Jordan President Dr. Natheer Obeidat (right). Right photo: A photo opportunity with the participants.
The ACA Ambassadors with University of Jordan President Dr. Natheer Obeidat namely (from left): Malaysian Ambassador Mohamad Nasri Abdul Rahman, Bruneian Ambassador Mahadi Maidin, Philippine Ambassador Wilfredo C. Santos, Thai Ambassador Supark Prongthura, and Indonesian Ambassador Ade Padmo Sarwono.
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