PH Embassy in Amman, MWO-Jordan Visit Filipino Children at the Orphanage

The Philippine Embassy in Amman and Migrant Workers Office - Jordan representatives headed by Madame Geraldine C. Lucero-Santos (third from right) and (from L-R): MWO - Case Officer Mohammad Khalid Ibrahim Ahmad Ismail, ATN Officer Charisse Malabanan, Ms. Ahlam from the Orphanage, Ms. Amneh Al-Rbihat, Assistant Director at the Al Hussein Social Center Orphanage, MWO Welfare Officer Rosalin Lavin and ATN and Consular Assistant Mariella Masiglat-Balla, during a visit at the facility on 20 November 2024 in Amman, Jordan. Photo by Amman PE


AMMAN 20 November 2024 — Representatives from the Philippine Embassy in Amman and Migrant Workers’ Office (MWO)-Jordan, headed by Madame Geraldine C. Lucero-Santos and Welfare Officer Rosalin Lavin, respectively, conducted a regular visit at the Al Hussein Social Center Orphanage on 20 November 2024 in Amman, Jordan to look into the condition of seven (7) non-marital Filipino children currently under the custody and care of the facility.

During the visit, the Embassy and MWO-Jordan representatives were welcomed by Ms. Amneh Al-Rbihat, Assistant Director in the Orphanage and discussed the updates on the non-marital Filipino children.  The cases of the children’s mothers are being taken care of by MWO.  ATN Officer Charisse Malabanan, ATN and Consular Assistant Mariella Masiglat-Balla, and MWO - Case Officer Mohammad Khalid Ibrahim Ahmad Ismail joined Madame Lucero-Santos and WelOf Lavin in the visit.

Madame Lucero-Santos extended the Embassy’s warmest appreciation to the management of the Al Hussein Social Center Orphanage for looking after the welfare of the Filipino children and in reporting their respective developmental progresses and needs to the Embassy and MWO.

MWO provided the orphanage with the following supplies such as diapers, wet wipes, tissue papers, and some chocolate and strawberry drinks.

The case of non-marital Filipino children is one of the top priorities of the Philippine Embassy in Amman and the MWO.  In 2023, the Embassy and MWO brought to the Philippines a total of 40 non-marital Filipino children after the Embassy successfully secured an exceptional concession on 10 August 2023 from the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, paving the way for the repatriation of non-marital children and the waiving of their overstay penalties. END

Three of the non-marital Filipino children as they interact with the Embassy and MWO-Jordan representatives — Photo by Amman PE